Surprise gift for Scott!

By Clare

Scott has always mentioned how he enjoyed beats and drums as a kid. He loves rhythm and percussion! So when he was asked by Calvin Dyck, our group leader, to play the cajon a couple of weeks before the island tour, he was very excited! Calvin rented the cajon for three weeks for Scott to practice on it and to perform with it. You should have seen Scott’s face when he brought the cajon home! The corners of his mouth seemed like they were never coming down again!

Throughout his time with the cajon, he seemed like he was having so much fun, so I asked him a couple of times if he wishes to keep it? I guess for practical reasons, he said it would be nice, but maybe not this time. At the same time, he just seemed like he enjoyed it so much.

On the day of our last concert, he knew the cajon was going home with Calvin to be returned to the store. He really went for it at the concert and enjoyed every moment of it. After the concert, when Scott was busy talking on the phone, I quickly went to Calvin as he was putting the cajon in his car. I quickly whispered that I’d like to get it for Scott as a surprise because he loves it so much. So Calvin was now part of “surprise Scott” club! He said “Okay! I’ll get it!” So I quickly then went back to our car.

The next morning, I was messaging Calvin back and forth in secret to plan when Calvin could drop by to surprise Scott with the cajon. We had just finished lunch, and the doorbell rang. Scott looked at me and said “you’re not teaching now are you?!” I said “No, I don’t think so. Why don’t you answer the door and see who is there!” So Scott went to the door and I followed him to the door. When he opened the door, there was Calvin and his wife Heather! Scott was really surprised that they came at the door, but he had no idea why they were here. So then, Calvin said he had something for me in the car, so I went out to get the cajon from his car with him and brought it in for Scott!

Funny thing…when I came back in I yelled “Look what Calvin got!” And Scott saw the cajon and said “What?! You rented it again?!” Hahahaha…….. So then Calvin and Heather started singing “Happy Anniversary to you!” in Happy Birthday tune, and Scott was still so surprised that they had to tell him I got it for him as a surprise gift! Haha…

So that was a fun celebration for our 9th anniversary! I love giving surprises! Haha…. Special thanks to Calvin and Heather for going along with it! Scott was on the cajon for quite a while after they left! Here is the proof…..


Happy Birthday, Dvořák!


A surprising anniversary gift!