Spreading love through tango and celebration of Piazzolla’s birthday!

Tomorrow is Piazzolla’s 101st birthday. With the current crisis going on around the world, we wanted to also spread love through music. So we thought this tango is good because the music is full of love and positive energy!

We knew we wanted to present a fun video, but for the longest time we couldn’t think of what to do. Finally, we thought of how we performed Por Una Cabeza in our live concerts before with roses in our mouths. I (Clare) have a solo passage at the beginning of Decarisimo, so how about Scott joins in later and gives me a rose, and during the fermata at the end of the solo, we can use the time to put the roses in our mouths! So the idea started forming!

It was interesting that it was during a lunchtime when we were chatting about our ideas of this piece we realized our images of Decarisimo were very different! Scott sees a sunny beach and people dancing, and I thought of a rainy afternoon chilling on the porch (with a filtered look!)

The ending pose actually came as we were recording, so we had to try it a few times in the recording session to see how it could work out. At first, after the glissando I would look to my left camera in this pose with my arms out. However, it didn’t work because I was blocking Scott. Also, Scott was glissing with his right hand, so at first it was his right hand grabbing my right hand, and the image looked a little awkward. We tested it a few times to try different things and checked the footages, and finally decided on what it looks like in the final video.

We hope this video will bring you a smile and positive energy!


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