Concert at Wentworth Villa heritage museum

By Clare

Thank you to all who came to hear us at the Wentworth Villa! We had a great time and we loved your energy!

This was our first time playing at the Wentworth Villa, and we had been looking forward to it since we confirmed the concert date! Sarah and Don picked us up from the ferry terminal, and they were telling us about this heritage building on the way. This building was re-built but everything was recreated to match how the architecture was. Upon arrival at the villa, WOW! We were so impressed by the details in the building! Funny thing: Scott and I both spent some time in the bathroom admiring the recreated details, the sink…etc! Hahaha…..

An interesting detail that we noticed is that all the doorknobs are much lower than what we are used to in the modern days. So we were guessing if it is because in the old times, people were much shorter! Then the owner said he thinks it might because people tend to want children to gain independence earlier, so they made the doorknobs lower for children to open on their own! How interesting! What do you think might be the reason for the low doorknobs?

At this concert, we also finally met composer Christine Donkin in person! We first met her online during the pandemic while we were doing the weekly live-streaming concert from our living room. We were hoping to play some of her pieces for the streaming concerts, but we had to take a pause on the concerts due to health reasons, moving…etc. So we ended up making YouTube recordings for the two pieces that we played at Wentworth Villa. (You can see the videos here: Bay of Rainbows and Sea of Tranquility) So this was the first time we met her in person after two years of exchanging emails! It was so nice that she came to see us, and it was fun to chat in person!

Thank you all again! We had such a great time, and we really hope to see you all again soon at the Wentworth Villa!


Concert at UVic - Emerging Artist Alumni Series


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