Fun concert in Abbotsford!

By Clare

We had a great time sharing our music with the audience in Abbotsford yesterday! Thank you all for coming to hear us! Special thanks to Holda for inviting us! The last time we played here was the end of 2017.

We like to do a mix of styles in our programs. Our program this time included two of Scott’s mashups (where he combined Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata with the jazz classic Fly Me to the Moon, and Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony fused with Happy Birthday tune!), serious classical work, jazzy and happy Christmas music, and his new arrangement of the entire Nutcracker Suite! We also had a little surprise encore for the audience, which was “Oh, Come Ye All Faithful” by Abbotsford’s very own composer/arranger - Mel! We hope we successfully surprised everyone! Ha!

Scott’s childhood teacher, Carole Pollard who flew in from Winnipeg the day before, was also in the audience! You can read about it in Scott’s post here!

A special moment to remember: As our goal is to share fun, laughter, and entertain, we are so happy that the audience laughed at our “jokes”, enjoyed the beautiful moments, and shared the exciting parts as well! After the concert, Holda (the organizer) came and told us that she was talking to a lady who is currently fighting cancer, and that the lady mentioned how she was very moved by our music and it was so nice to enjoy all of this music during a tough time. It was very touching for us to learn that, and we feel even more meaningful about what we do! We sincerely hope she will stay strong and recover soon!

We hope to see you all again soon!


A few surprises at our last concert!


Big snow in Vancouver