Our Storyboard

In the recent Q&A Livestream we were asked about our brainstorming and planning for our videos. We mentioned how we only started doing storyboard very recently because we were always rushing to record for our weekly releases, so we really rarely planned anything ahead all last year.

It wasn’t until earlier this year when I (Clare) tried to do storyboard for the videos. To my surprise, it was much easier to communicate my ideas to my actor (Scott), and it does save a lot of time during filming!

Our very first one was Happy Birthday, Schubert! I was on a two-week break from everything, because I was maybe too stressed to a point where the back of my head would twitch. How do I know the back of my head was twitching? Well, it was very painful every time it did. My whole face would hurt, and my body would also uncontrollably twitch as well. The twitching was random also, and it would only start when I would think very hard. So I figured maybe I really was having too much on my. plate, it was time to take a break.

Anyways, let’s come back to storyboard! So during those two weeks, I slept and slept, and finally on the fifth day, the twitching started going away. Since I wanted it to completely go away, I was taking it easy and not doing much everyday. At the same time, I was bored going from days completely filled to a super slow pace. So I thought maybe I could do some preparation for the upcoming filming, which was Happy Birthday Schubert!

So here is a page from our very first storyboard. I did make some effort to try to show my idea as clear as possible! Haha….. How do you like the cake monster?

Here are a couple of pages from Cinema Paradiso, where I also got Scott to explain his idea by drawing! What do you think?! We also only came up with the idea the day before the release. So we very quickly sketched something to discuss some ideas, and we did the “acting” bits in about two hours of filming. Can you guess which one was mine, and which one was Scott’s drawing?

As we mentioned in the livestream, it was a very last minute decision to film by the lake for Peace Piece. It was supposed to rain all day all week that week. We woke up, and it wasn’t raining, but we could see that it was going to rain. So we struggled if we should take a chance to drive to the lake that’s half hour away. In the end, we decided to take that chance. As soon as we made that decision, I very quickly sketched some things, and made this storyboard! I’m not the best drawing artist, but hey, as long as I get my point across I guess! Haha!

So now I try to do storyboard as much as possible! It turns out that not only does it make our filming more efficient, but it is also quite therapeutic to draw! Haha….


A four-hands duo playing Guzheng and piano?!


Happy Birthday to Animenz!